How to become a donor?

A donor of blood and its components is a private individual at the age from 18 to 60, who has passed respective medical check-up and does not have contraindications for blood donation. He/she should indicate his/her willingness to donate blood and its components for medical purposes.

For fulfilling donor functions, a donor has to:  

1) Show passport or other means of identification;

2) communicate the information he/she possesses about the previous infectious diseases,

  • whether he/she has been in contact with contagious patients;
  • whether he/she visited the areas, which have the threat of origin or spread of mass infectious diseases or epidemics,
  • about use of addictive drugs, psychotropic substance,
  • about the works with harmful or dangerous labor conditions, and also about vaccination and surgical treatments undergone over the course of one year prior to donation of blood and its components;       

3) Undergo a medical checkup.